Wednesday, July 27, 2011


The surgery only took 2 hours, so the doctor must've been including all the before & after time when he said 5 hours.  I woke up well, with only a little nausea.  Recovery was a thousand times better this time. 

Last time my abdomen was full of infection so I had 3 bags of antibiotics hanging at one time.  This time I only had one bag and I'm not sure they started another when it was empty.  If they did, it was only once.  Last time I was on morphine for 2+ days.  This time I needed NO pain medication!  What a blessing!  The morphine caused nausea and really clouded my thinking. 

I ended up coming home Sunday afternoon, two days earlier than I was told.  Saturday afternoon The doctor said I could begin eating at supper and they'd cap my IV if I did okay.  When he came back Sunday morning he said I was way ahead of schedule and could go home after lunch!

Sunday evening I became nauseous and had a low fever.  The children had had a stomach bug the week I went in the hospital and I could tell this was a bug, not a surgery related issue.  Since I was home 2 days early, my mom was not here yet so we planned on J's mom keeping 2 children each day, while I would keep SK, SR & LG on Monday and AB, TJ & LG on Tuesday.  The older girl could help me out and my little LG is just good medicine herself ;)  I felt it was time for her to be home with Mama!  Since I got sick Sunday night J stayed home with us Monday & Tuesday.  Monday night I finally had the worst of the bug and while I felt better stomach-wise on Tuesday, I was totally wiped out from the day before.  I'm so glad he was here to take care of me :)  His mom still took 2 children each day which made for a much quieter, calmer house (separating the two boys and the two older girls!). 

Eating is coming along slowly, but it's coming.  Today I feel as good as I did on Sunday when I came home!  I'm glad I didn't get sick in the hospital, though!  It's much nicer to be sick at home.

I haven't heard the results from the colonoscopy biopsy.  I guess I'll have to call them.  Next up is the post surgery check-up, then more blood work in September.  I'll also have some genetic testing done to see if I'm at risk for this or other cancers or if this was a non-genetic case.  If it is genetic, then I guess I have a much higher risk of recurrance and my children have a higher risk. 

Right now, I'm glad to be on my feet and bag-less!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Second Surgery

Checking in at 5:30am tomorrow.  Surgery is scheduled for 8:00.  I was told it's a 5 hour surgery.  Maybe that will make up for my missing sleep :)  I was also told to expect a minimum 5 day stay again.  I won't be posting again 'til I get home.

My mom is due to come on the 26th and stay for three weeks.  I'm glad to be prepared this time, but it's also given me time to think of things going wrong, too.  I will miss my dear children the next few days.  J will be with me in the morning and evening, but I probably won't see the children 'til Saturday.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


All went extremely well. No polyps. There was an area of "irritation" that she took a sample of to have biopsied. One more week 'til my hospital vacation ;)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Colonoscopy Prep

Nothing but clear liquids today. I prepared myself by just juicing yesterday. I'm choosing cucumber/celery/apple juice over jello, kool-aid, soda, broth, etc. (All things I don't like and are no good for anyone.) 6pm I get to drink some yummy stuff!!! Will find out later today exactly what time my colonoscopy is tomorrow.

Yesterday morning while searching online for some healthy clear liquid ideas I happened to come across some articles on the dangers of colonoscopy and the (sometimes long term) after effects.  As often as I check into things before I do/take them (or give to/have done to my children), I had not even thought to look into this before.  I knew there was a risk of perforation and that could be dangerous.  The packet of information I was given didn't list ANY effects or complications other than perforation.  They make everything sound hunky dory.  I was fearful for a time after reading the things I did, but I know there's no need to fear.  God is in control and it's all for His glory! 

I'm trying to wrap up a lot of household stuff before I go back in the hospital next Thursday.  Jeff's mother will be keeping three of the children and some friends will keep the other two.  My mom will be flying in on the 26th; the day I (hopefully) get out of the hospital.  I think this arrangement is going to work out very well, though Jeff will have to do some running to drop off and pick up all the children twice (he'll bring them home for the weekend and take them back Sunday evening).  I'm glad we can at least be prepared for this hospital visit!!!

Maybe in my down time after surgery I can post some bday pics from the May & June celebrations and from our camping trips...  I don't want to just post about all this medical stuff ;)