Wednesday, July 27, 2011


The surgery only took 2 hours, so the doctor must've been including all the before & after time when he said 5 hours.  I woke up well, with only a little nausea.  Recovery was a thousand times better this time. 

Last time my abdomen was full of infection so I had 3 bags of antibiotics hanging at one time.  This time I only had one bag and I'm not sure they started another when it was empty.  If they did, it was only once.  Last time I was on morphine for 2+ days.  This time I needed NO pain medication!  What a blessing!  The morphine caused nausea and really clouded my thinking. 

I ended up coming home Sunday afternoon, two days earlier than I was told.  Saturday afternoon The doctor said I could begin eating at supper and they'd cap my IV if I did okay.  When he came back Sunday morning he said I was way ahead of schedule and could go home after lunch!

Sunday evening I became nauseous and had a low fever.  The children had had a stomach bug the week I went in the hospital and I could tell this was a bug, not a surgery related issue.  Since I was home 2 days early, my mom was not here yet so we planned on J's mom keeping 2 children each day, while I would keep SK, SR & LG on Monday and AB, TJ & LG on Tuesday.  The older girl could help me out and my little LG is just good medicine herself ;)  I felt it was time for her to be home with Mama!  Since I got sick Sunday night J stayed home with us Monday & Tuesday.  Monday night I finally had the worst of the bug and while I felt better stomach-wise on Tuesday, I was totally wiped out from the day before.  I'm so glad he was here to take care of me :)  His mom still took 2 children each day which made for a much quieter, calmer house (separating the two boys and the two older girls!). 

Eating is coming along slowly, but it's coming.  Today I feel as good as I did on Sunday when I came home!  I'm glad I didn't get sick in the hospital, though!  It's much nicer to be sick at home.

I haven't heard the results from the colonoscopy biopsy.  I guess I'll have to call them.  Next up is the post surgery check-up, then more blood work in September.  I'll also have some genetic testing done to see if I'm at risk for this or other cancers or if this was a non-genetic case.  If it is genetic, then I guess I have a much higher risk of recurrance and my children have a higher risk. 

Right now, I'm glad to be on my feet and bag-less!

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